Free Avira Personal  

At the time first heard about computer viruses can many people as the virus in humans, computer viruses can infect humans and can make people so sick, and the only nature-are the same between viruses in the real world with the virus in the world of IT / Computers. We as computer users would not want to be aware of this one. Maybe we only normal user data and how we are not expensive compared with large companies, but often this is to reduce the activity and productivity as we computer users.

Imagine the sudden computer crash / hang, the tasks we as students or workers will be little more tergganggu. Better re-install the software than we virus scan, which can not necessarily eradicate the net virusnnya, sometimes even we must format harddisks us to ensure the virus does not at the level of the partition behind the media should keep kita.Sehingga to anticipate more important than we suddenly our computer crashes as mentioned above, it is better to prevent than treat.

Even Symantec says the growth of malicious programs are still experiencing a high increase. Very large growth occurred in the last year. The report states during the second semester of 2007 found 499,811 new malicious programs or up 136 percent from the same period sebelumnya.Sepanjang year 2007, Symantec detected 711,912 new malicious programs. The findings add to the number of viruses and malware that Symantec has detected a type of 1,122,311 (source compass).

There are several ways to prevent transmission of computer viruses, and is the most secure "limit the exchanges of data to a computer," but it will make the computer and even our own, such as frogs in the shell. Moreover, with the emergence of the internet with various amenities, like making computer-related computer / data from the outside. So we must be able to select the software repellent virus that is easily update the page. Actual threat not only from the "computer virus", but there are other threats such as "worms", "Trojan", "spyware" and other malicious programs ( "Malware") that we should beware.

For antivirus program there are many options available, such as products from large companies such as Symantec and famous, Mcaffe etc., of course, we must grope in the pocket more to the affairs of this one. There is another alternative that can be said for free. We can try a free antivirus software from the Internet.

One is antivirus "Avira Personal Antivir" you can access the site here. Avira made from avira GmbH, the company's antivirus software manufacturer from Germany, based on Antivir antivirus engine that was launched in 1998 called "H BEDV Datentechnik GmbH" when created.
Create a free Personal Users

to use this product you can download at the site,
There are 3 pilihah for personal users:

1. Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus
2. Avira AntiVir Premium
3. Avira Premium Security Suite

We are free to select the first option, you can download directly from the main site avira until this article was written, the two mirrors are available for downloading alternative, if the others can try down the satunnya in tucows download (Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus or in (Avira AntiVir Personal / ) With a file size of about 21 MB.

Installation is easy enough, live run double click the file the application, "antivir_workstation_winu_en_h.exe" follow the step by stepnya.
Meanwhile, to manually update the file you can download via the website address here or you download directly through this address.

Once installed on the computer, antivirus avira icon will appear in the tray bar computer with a "umbrella are open" for active, and "closed umbrella" if avira off. Make sure the icon Avira open payungnya image. The next step is to update the virus definition file, usually once every week and even less than a week, is out definitionnya the new virus.

We can update manually (if we are not connected to the Internet connection), or automatically update the computer if we connect with the Internet connection.
After that we can scaning files in the computer or we will copy it into a disk first.
Weakness for the Free Personal

1. To Avira AntiVir Personal used in personal computers:
Each year we must update the antivirus enginenya, which is still available for free via the web avira either permanently or until when.
2. Not available for anti spywarenya, you can use alternative spyware prevention software made other parties. Other times we can sharingkan for Free spyware prevention programs such as spybot & Destroy is tolerably effective to prevent the spyware or you can seaching through the internet.

Hopefully useful.

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