Avira Anti virus  

When the first time heard concerning the computer virus of many people mengasumsikan as being proper for the virus to humankind, the computer virus could spread to humankind and could make the person be still being sick and evidently only of his characteristics that were same between the virus in the real world and the virus in the world of IT/Komputer.We as the user of the computer wanted did not want must aware against this one.

Possibly we only normal users and our data then were not as expensive compared with big companies, but often this reduced the activity and our productivity as the user of the computer.

Imagine suddenly our computer crash/hang, in fact our tasks as the student or the worker would more or less tergganggu. It would be better if Install repeated software we than scan the virus that not necessarily could eradicate clean virusn him, occasionally even we must memformat Hardisk we to confirm the virus was not left in the level of the partition of the media kept kita.Sehingga better the step in anticipation was more important than us suddenly our computer crash like this above, better prevented than treated.

Moreover Symantec stated the growth of the bad program was still experiencing the high rise.
The growth was very big happened for the last year. This report said while the second semester was in 2007 found by 499,811 dangerous programs just or rose 136 percent of the period that be the same the year later. in 2007, Symantec detected 711,912 bad programs just. These findings increased the number of viruses and malware that has been detected by Symantec becoming 1,122,311 kinds (the source of the compass).

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