Foreign Exchange (FOREX)  

Forex is an interbank market that was created in 1971 when international trade transitioned from fixed to floating exchange rates. Since then the rates of currencies relative to each other are determined by the most obvious means which is the exchange at a mutually agreed rate.
This market surpasses the others in its volume. For example, the daily turnover of world securities market is estimated at $300 billion, while Forex approaches 1 to 3 TRILLION US dollars in the same amount of time.

However, Forex is not a market in a traditional sense. It doesn't have a fixed location of the trading floor as, for example, futures market does. The trading is done over the telephone and at the computer terminals in hundreds of banks around the world simultaneously. Futures and securities markets have one more significant feature distinguishing them from Forex, and at the same time restricting them. The trading is suspended at the end of each day and resumed only next morning. Thus, should certain significant developments occur in the USA, the opening of Russian market next morning could quite surprise you, if you're trading there.

Forex is open 24 hours a day, and the currency exchange operations are maintained throught working days of the week. Almost every time zone (London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney) has dealers willing to quote currencies. The International currency market FOREX is the youngest currency market developed from all segments of the financial markets. The major principle of work in the currency market consists in an exchange of one currency for another with the purpose of receiving profit on a difference of rates. Exchange rates vary under the influence of a supply and demand on the currency of a stable country. A supply and demand, in turn, depend on macroeconomic news, political and other world events.

Transactions in FOREX market are carried out by a principle of margin trade which allows a trader to conclude transactions for amounts considerably greater than his starting capital. Credit transactions, with a leverage provides the basis on which the trader opens the trading account. The appeal of investment in this market is also connected with the speed of the fulfillment of the transaction. The market works round the clock; transactions are made on the Internet, through a secured access, or by a telephone system.


High Yield Investment Programs (HYIP)  

HYIP was the program (most online) that offered the big profit in the relatively fast time. Many programs that offered until more than 100% profit each month. Minimally investment $1, $5 or $10 then HYIP became the choice of promising investment. HYIP programs just often sprang up, and thousands/millions of people all over the world tried to get the big profit from this program. One Program HYIP could be managed by one company or the person's collection or even by a person then.

Most HYIP programs were aimed for the public, there was none of the country's limitation, the age, education etc. His condition was to want to invest. Usually minimal investment that was needed varied beginning with $1 then. Almost all of HYIP used e-gold as the method of receiving and sending payment. Most managers HYIP undertook the business in the trade measured, forex, the share, property, real estate et cetera.


Starting Business  

3 - Fill Distributor Application Form [form application]>br/> - Purchase a set of "Tianshi Staterkit" paid 85BV, he become a member of direct sellers.
Method (1) a two stars direct seller whose total value of products purchase accumulation from the company is more than or equal to 2,000 BV In the relevant month, he will be promoted to become a three stars direct seller of the company.
Method (2) a member who has just joined in and purchase the products with the company once value more than or equal to 2,000 BV, in the relevant month, he will be promoted to become a three stars direct seller of the company.

3. After Sign up with your Distributor Application Form, you get Distributor card Instanly, please confirm me Your ID [See front Tianshi ID Card], with E-mail : or SMS to HP. +6281578700871 about Your membership

4. We can support you with "Online Website Replica's" like this website with Your new ID Card, and promote it at Worl Wide Web. We can support you with offline meeting near your living.


Business Opportunity  

The Tianshi Group is a privately held corporation by Mr. Jinyuan Li, the Founder and President of Tianshi Health Products, Inc. Mr. Li is a leader and a visionary who continues to provide stewardship and guidance as president of The Tianshi Group, Inc. Mr. Li knew that, while "tradition" shares essential truths about nutrition, Tianshi needed a non-traditional economic model to meet the demands of doing business in a country as vast and rapidly developing as China. He recognized that the powerful word-of-mouth advertising and sales of Network Marketing ("MLM" or "multi-level" marketing) were the engine Tianshi needed to promote its product revelations throughout China and later, the world. Tianshi was founded on August 3rd, 1995, refered to as 8.3 , in Tianjin China by Mr. Jinyuan Li. Mr. Li's ideal is to explore and perfect thousands of years of Chinese herbal knowledge, blend it with modern technology and create quality inovative products to spread health and friendship through out the world


Wisata Candi Prambanan  

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About Candi Prambanan:
From Official Site :

Prambanan, named after the village, is the biggest temple complex in Java. There are 224 temples in the complex; three of them, the main temples are Brahma Temple in the north, Vishnu Temple in the south, and the biggest among the three which lies between Brahma and Vishnu temples is Shiva Temple (47 meters high).

These three ancient masterpieces of Hindu architecture are locally referred to as Prambanan Temple or Lorojonggrang Temple. One of its appeals is the wealth of sculptural detail. The well known one is on the inner wall of the balustrade, the wonderfully vital and utterly engrossing Ramayana epic.

Perhaps one of the most majestic temples in the South-East Asia, Prambanan attracts many admirers each year from abroad. Situated about 15 kilometers from Yogyakarta, the top of the main shrine is visible from a great distance and rises high above the scattered ruins of the former temples.

Prambanan is the best seen shortly after dawn or in the late afternoon. However it is still beautiful at any time.

Lokasi :
Candi ini terletak di pulau Jawa,
kurang lebih 10 km timur Yogyakarta, 40 km barat Surakarta dan 120 km selatan Semarang,
persis di perbatasan antara provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
Candi Rara Jonggrang terletak di desa Prambanan yang wilayahnya dibagi antara kabupaten Sleman dan Klaten.
The nearest major city is Yogyakarta, 17 kilometers away. Solo is also within easy striking distance.
Yogyakarta’s airport is just ten kilometers from Prambanan. A taxi direct to the site should cost about Rp 20,000.
There are regular buses from Yogyakarta’s Umbulharjo bus station (30 minutes), as well as a wide variety of tour agency-operated minibuses shuttling directly to Yogya’s backpacker haunts.

Route :
From Adusucipto Airport - Go to East- Route to Solo Street and 20 Kilometers, about 20 minute after Air Port

Another Info :


Wisata Candi Borobudur  

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About Candi Borobudur :
Dari Wikipedia :

Banyak teori yang berusaha menjelaskan nama candi ini. Salah satunya menyatakan bahwa nama ini kemungkinan berasal dari kata Sambharabhudhara, yaitu artinya “gunung” (bhudara) di mana di lereng-lerengnya terletak teras-teras. Selain itu banyak beberapa etimologi rakyat lainnya. Misalkan kata borobudur berasal dari ucapan “para buddha” yang karena pergeseran bunyi menjadi “borobudur”. Penjelasan lain ialah bahwa nama ini berasal dari dua kata “bara” dan “beduhur”. Kata “bara” konon berasal dari kata vihara, penjelasan lain , “bara” berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta yang artinya kompleks candi atau biara. dan “beduhur” artinya ialah “tinggi”, atau mengingatkan dalam bahasa Bali yang berarti di atas . Jadi maksudnya ialah sebuah biara atau asrama yang berada di tanah tinggi.

Sejarahwan J.G. de Casparis dalam disertasinya untuk mendapatkan gelar Doktor pada 1950 berpendapat bahwa Borobudur adalah tempat pemujaan. Berdasarkan prasati karangtengah dan kahulunan. Casparis memperkirakan, pendiri Borobudur adalah Raja dari dinasti Syailendra bernama Samaratungga sekitar 824 M. bangunan raksasa itu baru dapat diselesaikan pada masa putrinya, Ratu Pramudawardhani.Pembangunan Borobudur dibangun diperkirakan memakan waktu setengah abad.

Lokasi :
Kecamatan Mungkid, Kabupaten Magelang
± 40 km jaraknya dari Yogyakarta dan 10 km jauhnya dari Kota Magelang

Route : From Adisucipto - go to West enter to Nort Ring Road until cross Jl. Magelang - Turn Right - Until sign to Borobudur Temple